Suchna Technosys is committed in its endeavour to provide it’s students the best environment possible to develop in them professional skills. And therefore, Suchna Technosys Sansthan, has created a compulsory code of conduct for each opf the students, which must be complied with, and failure to do so may result in the expulsion of the student from the institute.
Here is the code of conduct that governs the students behavior in the Institute.
- Students should be regular and punctual in attending theory and lab classes.
- 75% of attendance in theory and lab classes is compulsory.
- Students must carry their valid admission card/identity card with them.
- Smoking, drinking alcholol , chewing of tobacco and using non medical drugs is strictly prohibited in the premises of the Institute.
- Students are governed by the rules and regulations formed by the company from time to time.
- The Centre Director reserves the right to expell the student in case of failure in paying the organisation dues in time.
- Mishandling of computers and other equippments and damage of properties of the Institute will be viewed very seriously and is likely to result in expulsion of the gulty student from the Institute.
- The identity card endorsed by the Centre Incharge should be present with the students within the institute premises.
- The Students should attend all the theory and lab classes regularly.
- The applicant can deposit his fees by cash or Demand Draft drawn in favor of Suchna Technosys Sansthan (P) Ltd., payable at patna.
- The student will ahve to pay their Installments on or before the 10th of each month otherwise they will have to deposit a delayed payment surcharge at the rate of INR 5 per day, failing which , after 20th of each month, in case of non paymentthey will have to get registered again with a fee of Rs 300/-.
- Proper discipline has to be maintained within the institute premises. Any student found misbehaving or caught adopting unfair practices during the examination for shall be liable for immediate removal from the examination and be restricted from attending the classes in the future.