Suchna Technosys Sansthan (P) Ltd. is a private company incorporated on 18th February 2011. The Company has a national presence and is more active in states like Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand and Bihar.
The company’s Corporate Identification Number is U80903BR2011PTC016616 and the company’s Certificate of Incorporation can be access at The Registrar of Company’s Office.
The company was has a clean record and is transparent and honest in all its dealings with the students, Business Partners, Associates and the public in general. We at Suchna Technosys believe that human needs comes first and that theres nothing a man can imagine which is impossible and we realize that all Business Ends can be satisfied without violating anyone’s rights. Our ethics and good conscience drives the company in all its dealings. Infact the company has an Internal Code of Conduct just as the company has a Code of Conduct for its students.
The Managing Director of the company is personally available for all business needs and any issues of the Business Partners. He can be reached directly at +919576326914, Monday through Saturday 9am to 6pm.
The top managemnt of the Company holds regular meetings with the Business Partners and provides active support for enhancing marketing, operations, study material and courses and takes prompt measures enforce quality in its computer training and education services.